Tuesday, December 17, 2013

16th Email: 16th Week in Salem

So this week has been wonderful. And long! And short. Missionary time is so weird. But I love it!
We taught V-- on Tuesday, and set her on date for the 22nd of this month. It was so sweet! She's great. She's the one who her grandson gave her a Book of Mormon in January, and she was a referral from a lady in the ward. She lives with her daughter, who is a member. For the past couple weeks she has been a little hesitant about baptism. She said she knew it was all true and she felt good about it, but for some reason there was just a nagging in the back of her mind, and she wasn't even sure what it was. They went out of town for Thanksgiving, and I guess she found peace while she was gone, because when she got back she was ready. It was so cute when we asked her how she felt about baptism because she said, "Well, I want to, but I don't know when I want to. I don't think I want to do it while the weather's so cold." We assured her that the water in the font would be warm, so the weather wouldn't be a problem. She said, "Oh, okay," and thought for a second and said, "Well maybe it could be Troy's Christmas present." (Troy is the grandson that gave her the Book of Mormon. He's in his late 20s.) How perfect is that? What could be a better Christmas present than to bring someone into the waters of baptism so they can covenant with God and commit the rest of their lives to following Christ? What could be a better Christmas present for Christ?? So anyways, her baptism will be on the 22nd, and we are so excited.
We had a meeting/Christmas Devotional with the Pitts on Wednesday, and it was awesome. I love the Pitts. Some of the missionaries did musical numbers, and since Sister Larrabee and Habibpour are waiting to go to Brazil, we decided to sing a Christmas hymn in Portugese! It was great! We sang Silent Night, and I have no idea what the words meant that we sang, but it was a lot of fun! I've been picking up on some words here and there from their language study. Who knows? Maybe they'll just ship me off to Brazil too!
One of this week's highlights was the fact that church was NOT canceled. It's crazy the things we take for granted without realizing it. Church has been such a constant in my life, and going two weeks without it was rough! So yeah. I love church. Ya'll better go to church every Sunday, because it's so great. And I'm so glad we had church because K-- and F-- were both waiting to be confirmed! I'm so happy for them. And for F--'s wife. She has been married to F-- for over 20 years, and hasn't pressured him at all about the church, and now he's finally come around! In his confirmation, it was mentioned that they would go to the temple. How beautiful is that? That's what this work is all about. Bringing families to Christ. Families. Together. The church is true. Go out and tell the world! Shout it on the rooftops! The world needs the light of the gospel.
Sister Myers

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