Where to begin?
This week has been great. We taught B-- and C-- on Saturday and then this morning as well. Oh and they came to church on Sunday! Chaching! Yeah, I was super excited about that. B-- is doing great, he seems to just take everthing in, and actually from how he responds it seems like he already knows everthing. His eyes say, "tell me something I don't know!" I think he's just being patient and waiting on his wife right now. She's great, and she believes in God and Jesus Christ. Her biggest struggle right now is that she's prayed a lot in her life, but she's never felt like she's received an answer. So we really focus on prayer and the Holy Ghost and what kind of answer she can expect (in her mind and in her heart...thoughts and feelings...), so hopefully that'll get figured out. I've decided this is tough work! I mean, I knew it was going to be hard, but that was more of just a naïve acceptance of what I've heard from return missionaries. Now that I'm experiencing it I'm starting to understand it more! And I know I've got so much more to learn, but anyways, it's hard because no matter what I do, no matter how much I have the Spirit with me, no matter how well I teach, it all boils down to what the investigator does in the end. I wish I could just take my life's experience in the church and stick it in C--'s heart and say, "here ya go! This is what the Holy Ghost feels like! The Church is true!" But it doesn't work that way. She can only learn how the Spirit works with her by testing it out and having her own experiences. I can't force a relationship with God and Jesus Christ on her. She has to want it, and she has to be proactive about it. But anyways. There's my little rant. But I've got high hopes for B-- and C--. Oh, and they're scheduled to be baptized on October 19! :)
I've learned a ton in the past month. Mostly though, I think I've been learning about myself. I'm discovering certain things about myself that I didn't realize before, and I'm really learning what kind of person I am and what kind of person I want to become. I've got a lot of room to grow, but I think I can see my weaknesses more clearly, and I feel more resolved and motivated to change. I'm far from perfect, but I'm going to do my best to be as close to perfect as I can! Ah. I really just want to make the best of my time out here. I want to be exactly obedient, and I want to do everything the Lord expects of me. I don't want to disappoint him, or miss any opportunities to help his sons and daughters around me! That's another thing I'm working on...trying to recognize and follow promptings of the Spirit. I still just have such a hard time telling the difference between my random thoughts and spiritual promptings! And I know that even if a random thought isn't from the Holy Ghost I should just follow it, as long as it's good, but I just feel like I have random thoughts all the time, and it would be impossible and silly to try to follow all of them! So I tend to not follow them more than I follow them, which I know I shouldn't do, and I'm worried that I'm missing choice opportunities Heavenly Father is placing in my path. Anyway, I don't know if that made sense at all, but that's just something I'm working on.
Thanks for all your support! All ya'll are great! Love ya!
~Sister Myers
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