Monday, September 23, 2013

5th Email: 4th Week in Salem

Whelp! Another week has flown by! And this week has been just great....(said with slight sarcasm) JK, JK, it really has been good. It's definitely been interesting. At the beginning of the week, Sister Tuckett and I were all excited because we actually had several appointments set up! Our schedule wouldn't have to be filled with wandering around tracting and knocking on tons of doors that don't open! But Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways, and He decided that He didn't want us to spend our week at all those appointments. He had something else in mind. Seriously though, almost all of our appointments fell through.
On Tuedsay we were supposed to teach J-- (a less active), R-- (our investigator...have I ever told you about him? He's great...I'll have to give you the scoop on him in a minute), and the T-- family (potential investigators), but none of them were home (or at least they didn't answer the door). So...we went tracting! Well first we tried to contact a member of our ward, but he wasn't home. And this is where the Lord's mysterious ways come in! When the member wasn't home, we decided to tract his street. We didn't get an answer at most of the houses, but at this one house the guy who answered invited us in. He and his wife are probably in their late 50's, and they told us they're just "churched out." I guess they've gone to a lot of different churches during their lives, but they're just tired of "man-made religion." They don't like how one preacher in a church teaches doctrine one way, and another preacher from the same church teaches the doctrine another way. I thought, perfect! Let me tell you about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It's run by God! The problem is, they've heard about our church and about Joseph Smith before, and they're not sold on the fact that he's a prophet. They think he just started another man-made religion. But they were super open and let us talk to them for a while. We testified of Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and told them that the knowledge we have was received from God through the Spirit, and that that's the only way they would be able to truly know the same thing. We gave the husband a copy of the Book of Mormon and he took it politely and said, "I'll take it, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm probably not gonna read it." We had talked about modern prophets and how they give us counsel on things of the world today (media, finances, etc...) and he thought that that's what the Book of Mormon was all about. We explained that it's not...that it's actually a book of ancient scripture, records of the inhabitants of America from around the same time the Bible was written, and he was like, "Oh...really? Hm. Maybe I will read that..." So that was pretty sweet! When we left, they told us that we should come by again if we're ever in the area. Of course, they also said they travel a lot, so it might be hard to catch them, but still! They could be some dynamite investigators!
Later that day, we were tracting another street that a member lived on, and the guy who answered the door (probably in his late 20s) told us he was pretty set in his church, but then he said, "my dad on the other guys should talk to him! He used to be a preacher at my church, but he was looking to join the Mormon church a while ago." What??? Sweet! So when we got home we looked through the area book, and sure enough, he's one of our area's former investigators. So that was pretty great! We haven't been able to get back to try and talk to him yet, but I think there's definitely some potential there!
Okay, so R--. He's great. Probably one of my favorite people. He's got such a funny personality and he's super nice. He's also tricky to teach. Ah, it makes me laugh every time! So when we first met him we pretty much taught him the Restoration on his porch, and he seemed pretty intrigued. He told us he's really into reading spiritual stuff, and he spends a lot of time reading. Perfect! We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon and told him to read the first 50 pages by the time we came back the next week. And he did! We've taught him a few times, and he seems pretty interested and willing to hear what we have to say. The tricky part is actually getting a word in while we're at his house! He loves to talk and talk, and about the most random things! And we'll ask him an inspired question, and he'll start to answer it, but then something else will pop into his mind, and he'll go off about that! But he's great. He makes it interesting. And he really likes the Book of Mormon. We're just trying to teach him that it's more than a good book and that he needs to pray about it when he reads. This week we're going to teach him the Plan of Salvation.
Well...that's pretty much my week! (Actually there's lots more and I wish I had time to tell you every little detail...but I don't! Shucks!)
Hope all is grrreat, and that you all have a wonderful week!
Virginia is BEATIFUL, in case anyone was wondering.
Sister Melissa Myers

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