Whelp! It's the end of another wonderful transfer! I've been in Morgantown for about 3 months now, which is crazy, and I'm staying for the next transfer. Sister Larkin is headed down to Cave Spring, Virginia, which is in my old zone! I'm going to miss her a lot. I love her! These last few months have been so awesome. It's so fun! It's been cold, and crazy, and hectic, but I love it here so much. My new companion's name is Sister Christensen...I've never met her, but I've heard she's pretty awesome! She'll be here tomorrow sometime.
The work's going pretty great! There's just something different about serving here at the university. I thought it would be super hard to even teach anyone because it's hard enough to balance school, work, and social life without throwing in religion, and it is hard, but there are some people here who are so ready for the gospel, and it's the perfect time in their life for them to find it. It's been so cool to see. Ah. I love it!
So Lily's decided to get baptized on April 4th! She is so ready, and we're so excited. That's going to be a great week. MLC (Mission Leadership Council) on Monday, missionary booth on campus on Thursday, Baptism on Friday, and General Conference on Saturday and Sunday! I can't wait for Conference. It's such a great way to introduce people to modern prophets.
Well, my camera is no longer alive, so I'm sorry the blog has been so bland lately, but Sister Larkin is a doll and she copied all of her pictures of us from her camera to a flash drive, so now I can put some pictures up!
Have a great week!
Sister Myers
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