Monday, March 31, 2014

30th Email: 13th Week in Email

Well, this has been a fantastic week! My new companion, Sister Christensen, is awesome. I love her! She's from Grantsville, Utah, just graduated high school, and has been out for about 5 months. She's an incredible missionary, and I'm so stoked to work with her.

Story time! So once upon a time Sister Larkin and I rode the PRT (Personal Rapid Transit...It's a cool thing that's pretty much like a roller coaster that carries students across Morgantown because the campus is really spread out) with a girl from the University Ward because she wanted us to come with her to the student health center. There were two other people on the PRT--Robyn's professor (who we sat by and talked to on the ride) and another girl sitting on the other end (who we didn't end up talking to at all. Then, a few weeks later, I'm on an exchange with Sister Herzog and we're trying to find a creative way to find investigators, so we just decide to ride the PRT! It's perfect because people are stuck in this little box with you for like, 8 whole minutes. You can teach the whole restoration! Anyway, Sister Herzog and I are waiting at the PRT station, and a voice comes over the intercom that says the PRT is broken down (which I guess happens a lot) and it won't be there for a while. We decide to wait for a little bit, and while we're waiting, more and more students start showing up. So we're standing by this big crowd of students and I see this girl with a baseball cap on. She keeps looking at us, and I keep looking at her, and I get the feeling I need to talk to her, but how do I do it? I can't just walk up to her and single her out like that in front of all these students...gah! So I didn't talk to her. She got onto the PRT, there wasn't room for us, and we left. The rest of that day I kept beating myself up for not talking to her. I'm such a chicken! Okay, now fast forward another month or so. I'm with Sister Christensen, it's her first day in Morgantown, and we're street contacting on campus. We're just walking around, and all of a sudden, I see this girl!! I've got a card in my hand, and there is NO way she is getting past me without talking to us. So we talk to her and it turns out she was the same girl on the PRT the first time that we didn't talk to! But...she totally listened to our conversation with Robyn's professor about missionary work and what we do as missionaries and she told us she wants to know more about it! Long story short (too late...) we got her number, and we're going to meet up sometime. Ah!! Heavenly Father is so cool!!

Anyways, it's been a great week. We met some awesome people, had some great lessons, and I'm just really excited to be a missionary right now in the hastening of the Lord's work!

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