So this last week was kind of crazy! But it was great! On Tuesday Sister Tuckett went to MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) up in Charleston, West Virginia. She drove up with another Sister Training Leader, whose companion stayed with me in Salem. And the funnest part is they took the car! So Sister Isobe (who has only been out one transfer more than me) and I were stranded in Salem with nothing but the shoes on our feet and our burning desire to share the gospel! Haha! Oh and they took the GPS as well. Perfect. So we got to use the good ol' map! What an ancient artifact! Sister Tuckett and I made a list the night before of some people Sister Isobe and I would go visit, but that morning, I realized I didn't have some of the addresses for those people. So I was texting Sister Tuckett with a few questions, but then her meeting started and she said, "Sorry, can't text anymore. Good luck!" So that day was just a grand adventure. But it was fun! I actually enjoyed walking...getting some fresh air...
Transfers are this week, and on Thursday, we found out that Sister Tuckett and I are both staying in Salem (I have another 6 weeks of training and she has 6 weeks until she goes home!) but...we're getting a third companion! Yup! One of the new missionaries coming out will be joining us, and so I guess how it's going to work is Sister Tuckett will finish training me, and at the same time, we will both be training the new Sister. So, according to missionary lingo, the new missionary will be both my daughter and my sister....does that make sense? And then after Sister Tuckett leaves I will finish training the new sister. Sounds like an adventure! I'm super excited. I've heard trios are really fun.
Oh, on Wednesday we exchanged with the sisters from Vinton, and I was with Sister Wines. And guess what! She was totally in my ward during the Fall Semester at BYU-I! But neither of us recognized each other! We were even in the same relief society. She lived below me and two doors down in the dorms. Crazy small world.
Umm...did anyone else LOVE Conference? So good! I can't wait to read all the addresses again! Oh, and here's a fun story. So we invited R--, our investigator to watch Conference, and so Sunday morning we called him to see if he watched any of it, and he did. Then we asked him what he thought, and he said, "Well they all had good things to say, and the one guy..the head guy," "the prophet??" "Yeah, he just spoke with a lot of power. I mean he just told everbody how it is. He wasn't asking, he was telling!" I'm sure you can imagine us on the other end of the line, freaking out. Yeah! He's a prophet! He's the best! Thank you, President Monson, for speaking with power and touching our investigator! Anyway. We're super excited for R--. He's still having a hard time getting to church because he has to take care of his mom, and he's not sure about baptism yet, but he progresses more and more every time we teach him.
I'm not sure what else I want to say...this past week has kind of just been a blur! But it's been great. I'm learning a lot. And as I'm coming unto the Lord, he is definitely showing me my weaknesses. but it's good! Because he'll make weak things become strong!
One of my favorite scriptures right now is Ether 12:4. "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." I love the imagery the word anchor provides. If you think about a ship's anchor, it is what keeps the ship in it's right place during a storm. The waves can crash and crash, but as long as the ship is anchored down, when the storm settles the ship will still be in the same place. When trials and tribulation crash on our lives, which they undoubtedly will, we can "with surety hope for a better world." Because of our faith, which leads us to act and follow Christ, we can get through any hardship and feel confident when the storm settles that we are still on the right path and headed in the right direction, whether the storm settles tomorrow, next year, or after this life on earth is over.
Lots of love from the hills of Virginia! Keep doing what you're doing and being who you're being because I love you all! Anchor yourselves to Christ! He is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.
Love, Sister Myers